Purl soon became recognised for its innovative approach to mixed drinks, that utilised culinary techniques to aid in the story of each and every cocktail on its list.
Today, they continue to imagine drinks that satisfy on a multi-sensory level, using aroma, fogs, airs, foams, food, bespoke serviceware and liquid nitrogen to bring the drink to life and transport the guest to another place or time.
They tend to play contemporary music with a lean towards swing/jazz/blues. They have live jazz music on a Wednesday night.
In addition to the rather tasty cocktail selection they serve three flavours of wine – red, white and pink. We also have a nice selection of craft beers and a few bites to eat.
So, if you fancy a night of bootlegs and tipples there is a good speakeasy down Blandford Street. The password is “Hair of the Dog”.