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iVisit.... London Wall

  • London Wall Tower Hill London, EC3N 4DJ United Kingdom (map)

Set immediately north of the Tower of London, right in the heart of Tower Hill, stands one of the most substantial and impressive surviving sections of the London Wall. Built around AD 200, the Roman wall not only provided defence and security to the citizens of London, but also represented the status of the city itself.

Once around two and a half miles long, over time it was modified, adapted and added to, before finally being obscured and partially destroyed as new buildings were constructed around it. Today however, many of the buildings which had formerly hidden it have been cleared away, and visitors to the site can enjoy a clear view of the monument that defined both the size and shape of the city for over a millennium.

Earlier Event: June 12
iVisit..... Burlington Arcade
Later Event: June 28
iVisit.... London Ghost Walk